Sunday, December 03, 2006

Resonate to the Rhythm of ONE

Different presentations
of the
Sacred Oneheart Dance-path

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- Introductions -

Harmonize with the Rhythm of ONE
with the
Oneheart Dance-path

We came to Earth to Open the Portal of Peace with the Dance of dances. Therefore we need the Power of powers for this Act from the Heart. Our HEART, where All opposites meet as ONE to find the Power of ONE.

The Sacred Oneheart Dance-path brings forth the Power of ONE that most of Humanity forgot it even exists, WITHIN. Words cannot explain this Presence of ONE enough. It requires us to be in RHYTHM with IT, to open our Heart and REMEMBER.

This Sacred Dance is for those who want to be part of the PLAN, by which the Realisation of the greatest miracle of the Universe must come about: WORLD PEACE. Do it, Feel it, Be it. WE are the ONE we have been waiting for. This Dance conveys the dynamics to Know and Feel that WE ARE ONE. It synchronizes body, mind and soul with the Order of the Infinite Universe. Be a Dancer of Peace until the whole world has joined the Circle of Hearts by 2012.

It is more than a Dance. It is a Sacred Teaching in Ceremony.

It is hereby stipulated that although the Dance can be practiced by any one, regardless ones religious belief or any life’s principle, the Dance’s sole purpose is for us to REALISE that ALL IS ONE, so that World Pease can have a True Basis to be build on.

! Shake the Anthill !
with the
Sacred Oneheart Dance-path
With Roy Littlesun and Friends

“the seed is in the tree and the tree is in the seed”. This is the formula of our Total/Universal Life, describing the Eternal that constitutes our true Self.

As is, most of Humanity got entrenched within the Duality, in the sense that opposites are perceived as separate and conflicting. So, the liberation from this stuckness requires us to be True to the Self. For this reason we must make the Eternal Creator’s One Law our primary Constant.

It is Hopi’s (Titus Qomayumptewa) last Message to the world that Creator’s law be revealed, so that we can change today’s illusory world back into the Order of Creation. Indeed, CHANGE is Creator’s Law. Only by this Constant can the Earth be DE-fenced.

The essence of the Message has been distilled in the Sacred Oneheart Dance-path. As Titus phrased it: “shake the anthill and tell the world the truth about Creator’s Law”…. and this is what the Sacred Oneheart Dance-path ( plus the optional complementary teachings in ceremony) is actually doing!

Titus and Roy:

Titus the Hopi elder told his adopted son Roy Littlesun: “shake the anthill and tell the world the truth about Creator’s Law”. This Roy did since 1984, when he set foot for the global pilgrimage. Then, it all came together in the form of the Sacred Oneheart Dance-path, with the Vision that it will be practiced around the World by 2012. Litterally shaking the World, as the Hopi do it with their ceremonial dances!

So, Littlesun has been instructing individuals who in turn want to qualify to instruct the Dance to others… etc. Individuals or organisations from around the world can invite Roy and/or instructed friends, to become familiar with the Sacred Oneheart Dance-path (includes complementary teachings in ceremony).

In Preparation for the Return to the Oneness
with the
Sacred Oneheart Dance-path

To demonstrate the idea and principle of the Sacred Oneheart Dance-path:
* Hold a whole writing paper sheet in your hand. This represents the Oneness each one of us originated from.
* Tear it in two and further in smaller pieces (constantly holding them together) until it becomes impossible to further divide. This shows the POWER we then have gained through the Diversity we have been going through.
* Now shower all the parts around. This Separation of the parts resemble the division Humanity is suffering by, today. Each part can be subjected to the ongoing Disempowerment, because each on lacks the Power of ONE.

* Then ask all the people to pick up the pieces and unite them as was demonstrated before. This is the true meaning of World Piece, where every one comes forth as the ONE we have been waiting for!
The Sacred Oneheart Dance-path follows the Pattern/Path of the body’s blood-circulation (centred around the heart) that is the SAME in everyone. So, even with the extreme sectarian, political, social, tribal and traditional divisions… which by now run in the millions, they all can gain the POWER that we need, to REALISE the ONE who we truly ARE!

It requires us to participate with the Dance once, to know what is described here.
Moreover, the Dance is therapeutic as well, for it synchronizes brain and heart with the universal order by which Creation is maintained. So, with a focussed perception we can be Centred within today’s chaotic and confused world. Thus be of great help to this era of Purification, in preparation for the RETURN to the Oneness. We Will Return, as certain as “the seed is in the tree and the tree is in the seed”. ALL IS ONE.

The Attainment of
with the
Sacred Oneheart Dance-path

The Attainment of Freedom is to be free from Conditions. This is the position of the STILL-point of the pendulum, from where the swing is controlled. The swing is the Dance-path. Their two still-points (polarisation), where the extremes Change into one another, keep us IN the Illusion. And by making the Conscious connection between what Changes and that what doesn’t… we can get ourselves out of the swing and become the Witness, by allowing our Presence to Enter the Centre of centres. To be free from conditions pertains to Unconditional Love. The Oneheart Dance-path is about Realising that the Centre from where Consciousness arises proceeds from the Heart. The attainment of Witness-Consciousness is the Self-realisation.

Why Sacred?

All dances are therapeutic in some way. So, what is so significant about the Oneheart dance and what makes it sacred too?

There are sacred dances which only initiates can practice in temples. The hula of Hawaii and the wayang of Java go along with the sacred tones of special musical instruments. The principle is based on the oneness of all things and that the human is a microcosm of creation. So, with the conscious body movement along with a “ special formula”… the dancer can have a great effect on the environment and even the universe.

Roy Littlesun made the sacred agreement with one of the last of the Hopi wisdom keepers (his adoptive father Titus) to share with the world the truth about Creator’s One Law. By this absolute and eternal constant, CHANGE, World Peace must come about, for it harmonizes the inner with the outer and all of creation. It is also by this law, by making it our primary constant, that the dualistic political can be reduced to nil. These secondary laws, since they maintain division (”right-wrong”) are used as weapons, which will ultimately make weapons the law. Obviously this is what is happening today around the world into great extremes. No treaties or any artificial system, including democracy, can establish World Peace. War and any form of terrorism begins with the deviation from Creator’s One Law.

True Peace begins from WITHIN and our entire being is most precisely created to LIVE the One Law, by CHANGE. Not only can we by change harmonize the inner with the outer… by this constant each cell and feeling of our being affects the other trillions of cells. Considering that each body cell represents a star… consider the great responsibility the individual (= “indivisible-two”) has to truly Live the One Law. Instead humanity have been moulded into an order that’s completely out of order, merely convening the political/economic system. So, it is by the True Individual that the shift back into the Universal Order has to BEGIN.

It was during a weekend teaching in ceremony, at Asturias, that all the teachings that Roy has been sharing over the past 36 years got distilled in the Sacred Oneheart Dance! This Dance follows the pattern of creation and the blood’s circulation within our body. So, with the basic understanding why and how the pattern is maintained with the simple one beat of the drum, a great internal/external synchronisity takes place. The dance also harmonizes the brain and heart and focuses on the Centre of centres from where a new outlook on life comes about. It is sacred indeed, to know that our body is the most sacred temple. The dance also awakens the true warrior of peace, who must win the decisive battle, WITHIN. The awakening comes forth by the Memory that the only ONE is in each one of us and in all things. This memory is contained in the nucleus of our blood.

Without fail, practically everyone who have experienced the Oneheart dance loves it. With the complementary teachings which can be shared within a few hours, the aspirant qualifies to be a Oneheart Dance instructor. So, the vision is that the dance will be globally known by 2012. The more people who enter the decisive battle within, the less we need to fight it out without!

The following explains in greater detail about our most intimate relationship with the infinite universe, our most supportive and loyal ally.

Exerpt from the tawa Message

WE ARE THE MIRACLE! This message explains why. " Tawa" means "Sun" in Hopi and "Moon" in Tibetan. What unites the two different meanings of one word is One Mother Earth. This Oneness can also be found in our Heart! Our heart is pulsated by what interconnects all our body cells: blood. Why does blood do that? Blood is the biological transmutation of food. Food is the result of the concentrated accumulation of environmental energies. This realm stretches out into the Infinite.

Outside of our Solar System the energies of the Universe centre around the stars. All the stars interconnect with one another by their rays of light. Our sun is the closest star to us and by its light planet Earth receives Heaven's energies. By this union of Heaven and Earth, plants (food) grow. When we eat food, the stars without become the stars within, our body cells. Thus, similar to the way the Sun interconnects with all the other Suns, our heart seeks union with all the inner suns by the circulation of liquefied sunlight - the blood. Then the Eater (of food) becomes food for what originated food, by how we return to the outer by our expressions or behaviour. As such the “hologram” is created in which we can create our own reality.

Before the stars' energies reach the Sun, they are influenced and organized by the twelve constellations or heavenly bodies. This heavenly clock regulates the rhythm of the energy flow before we can come to the realisation that our heart “ticks”. These twelve constellations manifest within us as the twelve organs or organizers. Finally, when the Earth captures the stars’ energies, they become the planet’s ecology and cycles. This also manifests within our body.

Our blood is synchronized with the ocean water, by having the same mineral composition and salinity. The blood's pulsation resonates with the ocean waves. The lungs become the inner forests and by breathing we maintain the inter-relationship. The rivers become our blood vessels, lakes become our liver, springs become our salivary glands, rain becomes our sweat, wind becomes our breath, thunder becomes our speech, lightning becomes our vision, atmospheric vibrations become our thinking ability, etc. The Moon reflects the Sun and internally manifests as feelings. Physically, the Moon is represented by the pericardium (the sack in which the heart is contained and is one of the twelve organs). By it we can become conscious of what is within and what is without. By the purity of blood, having true health, we can have the great Joy of Freedom in the circle of Light.

The degree of synchronicity or Oneness between the "stars within" and the "stars without" depends basically upon our way of eating. By eating the Universal food, the Universal way, we can return to the Heavens with a greater sense of Being. Plants extend Earth's radiation. This happens after the sun’s rays impregnate the Earth. In order for the Earth's energies to ascend beyond its environment, they need to be organised within a body that can contain the integrity of the Earth, and by having the ability to biologically transmute food into higher frequencies of energy. This ascension begins with the integration of Earth's centre (iron, Fe) by having it become our blood's nucleus, around which the complexity of the Earth is centred. Thus, wherever our blood circulates to, we can feel, indicating that we can radiate the Earth THROUGH the Human Potential beyond the Moon into far distant realms of the Infinite Universe.

- The Dance Path -

Original Sequence

Dancers circle counter-clock around the pattern while inviting “all our relations” to be part of the dance and then enter from the East. Continue dancing until there is complete synchronisty. It may take four or up to nine rounds. Then exit from the East and again circle counter-clock to then enter from the South with the same sequence, until all the four directions have been initiated.

The last gate to be opened is that of the North. Upon the exit the dancers circle again counter-clock and realise that the in-out-weaving have created the Union, so that the pattern can unfold to become the Circle of Hearts’

Upon making the full circle once the dancers stop circling and together face the Centre.

Upon the sign of the one who leads the dance the Circle moves towards the Centre for all the dancers to bless the Water, that has been placed at the Centre. Then the dancers move backwards to the circle they had. This routine is done four times,

Having come back the fourth time to the Circle, the drum(s)/music stops and everyone contemplates on the culmination of the dance into the Centre. The duration may last as long as the attained collective consciousness allows it to be.

The dance-leader goes to the Centre and have the blessed Water be sipped three times by each of the dancers.

The ceremony ends with everyone holding hands while together taking three deep breaths, signifying the sharing of the experience with the world. Thank “all our relations to be part of the dance and until next time”.

If there is a plan to continue the dance for quite some time (could be all day or even days), especially when there are more participants than the space allows…then upon stage 4 the dance can be repeated (1- 3), etc… until it is time to end the dance, with stages 5 till 7.There may be modifications of the dance, made to suit traditional ways or new insights about the Oneheart. This is ok, as long as the pattern is maintained with the directions as has been described here. This way everyone can TOGETHER join the Sacred Oneheart Dance-path.

While Moving along the
Sacred Oneheart Dance-path

The Flower unfolds as the result of Heaven and Earth, inner and outer, all opposites… coming to UNION Within, to form the Seed. This seed can grow into a plant that can create many more seeds. The BEAUTY of the flower truly shows Unselfishness and Unconditional Love. Therefore flowers are given to express ones love for another. The flower unfolds without effort, because what it Unconditionally Gives is received manifold. By this “teaching of the flower” we can come to the REALISATION that we are in truth Eternal and it is this Truth that will set us FREE.

The Pattern of the Sacred Oneheart Dance-path is that of the Flower. As we are weaving in and out, the Focus is on what we can GIVE to the Centre that we have in COMMON. This Centre is the Oneheart. The Dancers create the Beauty that they want to SHARE with the World. By this Beauty Peace comes about, because everyone Enjoys it without a second thought. At the end of the Dance everyone can drink the Sacred Nectar (water blessed during the Dance, put at the Centre) that will make the Seed WITHIN the Dancer grow with the Power of LOVE.

Let’s SHARE this Sacred Dance with the World, so that it is globally practiced by 2012.

Sacred Oneheart

1 - East-gate:
You are entering the East-gate, to find the Sun within yourself. Therefore you weave in and out to See yourselves through Diversity. Observe your personal Path with the Precision of Creation.
2 – South-gate:
The Sun leads you through the Day, so that you can See yourself in the Outer. Observe also the Path of others… not to interfere with, but to Respect and Appreciate them as your Brothers and Sisters. They are your Mirrors, helping you to Know yourself in the Light of Truth and Love.
3 – West-gate:
The Sun is setting… not to disappear, but giving you the opportunity to integrate the Experiences that you have gained during the day. Bring the best of the gained Consciousness in your Heart. This Harvest of the Day will carry you through the Night, in Peace. The Moon is there to Remind you that the Sun is still with you.
4 – North-gate:
While in deep sleep you are in Bliss. You are now preparing for the Greeting of the Sun, to See yourself in a New Light of Truth and Love. Slowly you Open your eyes and Remember the Dream that you must unravel during the Day.
5 – Earth-gate:
The Four Directions enable you to Sense what’s around you. Then you can have the complete Orientation on the Horizontal plane, from Within… for you to walk your Path with a greater Consciousness.
6 – Sun-gate:
Standing Firmly on Earth you can look Upwards and focus into the Centre of the Sun and Realise that Sun’s Heart and your Heart are One.
7 – Ascension-gate:
All the Stages we went through Rise through us to our Crown… from where we can further Rise and Transcend the Horizon that has limited us by our Senses.
As such the Horizontal blends with the Vertical and the Path you have been following now whirls within the Three-dimensional realm or Globe.
8 – Oneness-gate:
Inner and Outer and all opposites become One and we find ourselves One with the Circle of Hearts… with All of Creation.
9 – I AM-gate:
With the Realisation that ALL IS ONE… Seeing and Knowing our true Self by the Light of the SUN of Suns that shines from WITHIN. We ARE who we ARE. We have become a Oneheart by Entering the Portal of Peace. SO BE IT !!!


- Inspirational -

In Prayer and Ceremony
with the
Sacred Oneheart Dance-path

That what we FEAR becomes our master. When we fear a virus… this virus becomes our superior. When we fear poison… poison becomes our boss. When we fear pain… pain becomes our higher self. When we fear poverty… poverty will haunt us. So… how can we CONQUER fear?

As long as we have not REALISED the Eternal Self, that who we truly ARE… we lack the Power to make the CHOICE to BE. It is only this “to BE” that can Master the ILLUSION or Finite. “to BE” means to BE in the “Here and Now” and thus the Distance between the opposites is relinquished. Fear is the result of this distance. The division is registered in the Brain by the synapse. The synapse is a junction between two nerve cells, where the club-shaped tip of a nerve fibre almost touches another cell in order to transmit signals. The separation increases by the increasing contrast between right and left brain. In turn the right and left brain resonate to how our inner and outer relate to one another. On the planetary scale the right and left brain correlate with East and West. Thus the present fixed East-West division has a great impact on how we Perceive by space, time, feeling and thought patterns.

Consequently the Individual (in truth the “indivisible-two”) PERCEIVES itself different from the outer and others. By this partition the Supreme Power of the Self is diminished and fear is experienced for the reason that one wants to restore this Power WITHIN itself. That’s why fear is felt Within. Fear is the “built-in warning system” to make us aware that we are not any longer fully in our Centre. All wars and any form of terrorism begin with the inability to overcome fear by LOVE.

Today’s world is governed by fear and has been used to keep Humanity Divided within a limiting realm. Only the Individual can relinquish this. Fear is a state of mind and it requires a Brain by which the right and left side cannot find its Centre. Freedom cannot be Perceived as long as we are in the grip of fear.

The Sacred Oneheart Dance-path is a “moving-prayer-ceremony” or Medicine that can break the Spell of Division. It is a universal technique by which Body, Mind and Soul can be profoundly Synchronised with the Infinite Universe. It will help us to centre the Brain in conjunct with the Heart, to again SEE ONENESS. Thus enabling us to master the duality that can cause the opposite of Love (union), which is fear. The Dance is Sacred with the understanding that our being is the most Sacred Temple. We can be in true Prayer and Ceremony when focussed and moving within the universal pattern of Precision (“cosmic knot”)… so that from Within the basis is created for World Peace and Freedom.

Making Bliss Apparent

In order to Enter Great Mystery we must volunteer to be CONTAINED by the three states of CONSCIOUSNESS:

1. Deep-sleep - where we are in Bliss but not Know it, because there is no Diversity by which we can Discern.
2. Dream-state – where the Mind creates the Illusion of Diversity in itself (One becomes Two) by which Perception becomes possible.
3. Waking-state – where Diversity becomes apparent, so that we can Know and thus REALISE the Dream by making the CHOICE to BE.

Out of these three states we must make BLISS APPARENT! This can be accomplished with changing the Two back into One. So, upon the differentiation (2) Creator’s One Law, CHANGE, must be used as the absolute constant to DISTILL the changing realm (3) back into the non-changing realm (1). Thus while in the waking-state we must Wake Up the sleeping Self, who we keep in slumber while allowing an outer-identity to instil the Awakening. The Experience in the outer is the “scouting-mission” for finding “out” how to get back into the inner with the understanding of the extend of the Self. As such the Ego is created, which is the Shadow of the Light that yet has to be lit WITHIN. This Light has to be lit from the Outer and thus the Shadow can be seen by the Self… outside of the Self, yet within the Self at the moment the inner-Light is lit. So, how can the Self inspire the Ego to give up itself, so that the barrier between the outer and the inner comes to nil? This is what the Drama is all about, how the director and actor must come to the perfect collaboration. The director knows the script, the actor must REMEMBER.

The “deep-sleep-bliss” (1) is maintained by Ignorance, that we can resolve through the awakening. In other words, the Oneness must be aroused Within itself by the energy that’s created by the inner-division….so that IT can Feel itself. As such the Self must come forth from the Duality, to REALISE the Bliss it is already IN. This “IN” is sensed as the WITHOUT, which creates the attachment to the ”garment” of the mental-state of diversity. The “garment” is the Border between the inner and the outer and when removed the “naked-truth” of the Self will Shine forth from within itself, by, of, for and within the Self. This Self-realisation or Bliss is made Apparent by the circle or outer to shrink within itself.

Consequently we will find the Self within the Centre of centres, for the centre is the contracted circle. The outer is the Mirror, needed for the Self to See itself from BOTH sides, inner and outer. Thus with the exit of the Self into its own extend, “inner-Self” and “outer-Self” can reflect each other, which create the INFINITE-MIRROR-EFFECT.

From hereon the Self realises its absolute and eternal existence, for the Self is Eternal indeed. For this to happen (at the dual-stage we are in) we must go into our Heart and make the CHOICE to BE. Inner and outer are One. The border between the two sides is merely a creation of the mind. By having the mind constantly focussed on the only ONE…we will not fail to make BLISS APPARENT.

Bliss can be experienced only when we visualise unity in diversity. Man should make efforts to visualise unity in diversity and thereby attain divinity. Unity leads to purity. Where there is purity, there is divinity. Only through unity, purity and divinity, can we experience bliss. Baba

Principle of the Dance's approach into it's centre:

In order to reach our Destination we need three things:
1. a light outside (the sun, moon a lamp, etc)
2. the sense of sight within
3. the spirit of perseverance

By the pattern of the "Cosmic Knot", the path of the Journey into Great Mystery by which we can Realise the infinite possibilities, we gather the light from the outer. By the perseverance of Focus into the Centre the inner-Light is Realised, by which we can become Conscious that we are in truth Eternal. This is the Truth that will set us FREE.

The Whirling Path that interconnects the inner and the outer follows the basic pattern of Creation (union of cross and circle in the dynamic fashion). These are the eight directions – four towards the inner and four towards the outer. Together they will ultimately lead to the Centre of centres or Oneheart, the ninth, Within. So, true life is the Sacred Oneheart Dance-path, that we will complete with the Self-realisation. With this Consciousness of ONE we will be FREE.

Unconditional Love
by a Hopi

You are unique - different from all others. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you to be in the world as you are without a thought or word of judgement from me. I see no error in the things you may say and do, feel and believe since I understand that you are honouring yourself by being and doing what is true to you. I cannot walk life through your eyes nor see it through your heart. I have not been where you have been and experienced what you have experienced, viewing life from your unique angle.

I appreciate you exactly as you are, being your own unique spark of the Infinite consciousness, seeking to find your own individual way to relate to the world. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you every choice to learn in the way you feel is right for you. It is vital that you be your own person and not someone that I or others think you 'should' be. To the best of my ability, without denigrating or compromising myself in any way, and I will support you in that.

I cannot know what is for your highest good, what is true for you or what you need since I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it, with whom or in what time period. Only you can feel your inner excitement and hear your inner voice - I only have my own.

I acknowledge that, though they may be different to each other, the many ways To perceive and experience the various facets of our world are all valid. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow the choices you make in each moment. I make no judgement of this for it is imperative that I honour your right to your individual evolution, because it empowers that right for myself and all others.

To those who would choose a way I cannot or would not walk, whilst I may not choose to add my power and my energy to that way, I will never deny you the gift of love that God has bestowed within me, for all creation. As I love you, so shall I be loved. As I sow, so shall I reap.

Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you the universal right of free will to walk your own path, creating steps or sitting still if and when you feel it is right for you. I cannot always see the higher picture of Divine Order and so I will make no judgement that your steps are large or small, nor light or heavy or that they lead up or down, for that would just be my viewpoint. Though I may see you do nothing and judge it to be unworthy, I acknowledge that you may be the one who brings great healing as you stand calm, blessed by the Light of God.

For it is the inalienable right of all life to choose their own evolution, and without reservation or hesitation I acknowledge your right to determine your own future. In humility, I bow to the realisation that the way I see as best for me does not have to mean that it is also right for you, that what I believe is not necessarily true for you. I know that you are led as I am, following your inner excitement to know your own path.

I know that the many races, religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs within our world bring us great richness and allow us the benefits and teachings of such diverseness. I know we each learn in our own unique way in order to bring that love and wisdom back to the whole. I understand that if there were only one way to do something, there would need only be one person.

I will appreciate your unique inner light whether or not you behave in a way I think you should or believe in those things I believe in. I understand you are truly my brother and my sister, though you may have been born in a different place and believe in different ideals.

The love I feel is for absolutely all that is. I know that every living thing is a part of one consciousness and I feel a love deep within for every person, animal, tree, stone and flower, every bird, river and ocean and for all that is in all the world.

I live my life in loving service, being the best me I can, becoming wiser in the perfection of Divine Truth, becoming happier, healthier and increasingly abundant and joyous.

Though along the way I may like you, feel indifferent towards you, or dislike you, I will not stop loving you - honouring your uniqueness and allowing you to be you. That is the key to peace and harmony in our lives and around our Earth since it is the capstone of Unconditional Love.

The “Total Picture”
Creation/Evolution explained through the
Nine Cosmic Gates

Creator’s Body or Domain has Nine Gates. Evolution can hereby be demystified, by “lining up” the Nine Gates in the correct sequential manner, as how Change spiralically progresses. As such any part of Creation can be understood within the Order of the Infinite Universe. In other words, we can See Oneness in all things and ways, so that we can stay on Course towards the Goal of Life, which is SELF-realisation. The most intricate and costly “researches” to unravel the Origin of all existence cannot surpass the Observer Within, Who we can BE with giving the Best Answer to the last question: “to BE or not to BE?”. With the “to BE” we will have the direct and most intimate knowing and relationship with the SELF-evident, for the SELF is SELF-contained. The SELF is the “secret Garden of Eden” that we can enter through Nine Gates in a row.

The following illustrations show the Nine Gates within the cyclic order. In the descend (outer towards inner; circle becoming its centre; 1 – 9) Food is created. In the ascend (inner towards outer; centre becoming its circle; 1’ – 9’) the Eater, who contains the Creator as it is contained by the Creator (ALL IS ONE…the seed is in the tree and the tree is in the seed), the Eater becomes Food in the form of Consciousness. By Consciousness the realm of Food is created. In this closed circuit “God makes Himself”. The truly Knowing and accordingly Living it is to BE. SELF-realisation is the SELF Knowing the SELF, of, by, for and within the SELF.

The Descend (1 – 9)
Manifestation appears from the “Unknown Nothing”:

1. Great Mystery, “Unknown Nothing”, yet, it is All There Is or Everything that can be Known by the Knower. By a PLAN Earth was chosen to Realise a portion of the “Infinite Possibilities” through the Human Potential.


2. The "First Question"…for the One-ness or Origin to set a Basis to Know the SELF through stages:


With the Question the Creative Force is set in motion, setting the basis for

3. Polarisation: One becomes Two (One in and as Two):

4. Deviation from the One-ness creates Memory = distance between beginning and end. The two remembers its origin (One). Thus the Opposites (Yang/Contraction and Yin/Expansion) attract one another, to maintain the One-ness in the Relative World. Consequently, by the Explosion/Implosion, a portion of the Creative Force appears as Vibration or Energy:

The Unknown can be entered with the Explosion (Yin) and with the Implosion (Yang) the Return to the Source is secured. With the Return or Reflection the One-ness is able to become conscious of itself, in and through duality. Also, with the return, the energy that's created with the polarisation, goes to the centre of the interaction and a basis is set for the Nucleus to evolve. Thus, from hereon memory is contained by the nucleus.

5. The Source is now enriched with the next memory: One becomes Two. Thus upon the implosion One becomes Two, again. From now on the two fundamental phenomena, contraction (Yang) and expansion (Yin) are secured. Thus CHANGE (Pulsation) becomes the Absolute Constant of Creation.

As the pulsation continues and energy builds up towards the centre, the next manifestation is Light (lightning):

With Light the ONLY ONE (Observer) has gained another mirror. When we see light it is the One deep within us Who observes through the eyes of the flesh! It is merely by the "emphasis on forgetting and ego", that we confuse the Observer with the Mirror. "Education", based on the deductive mindset has contributed a great deal to this distortion. To reconnect with the Observer, we must concentrate on the place where the Pulsation is most Centred: the HEART.

6. As the pulsation continues, Light is sensed as Sound (thunder).

7. Then Gas appears (wind), as the result of Sound having reached its point of saturation:

8. The saturation of Gas appears as Liquid (rain):

9. Ultimately energy becomes so dense, by the inward directed force, that all the stages (1 - 8) manifest as Solid (matter). The greatest density around which the Human being can manifest and is maintained is Iron (Fe). Since Iron is the most dense and stable element, being Earth’s centre, the being who has this element as its nucleus, can be the “Earth-born” microcosm of Creation. It is through the Human Potential that a cycle of consciousness can be completed.

Iron is the ultimate nucleus. Its energy is magnetism, connecting the inner with the outer. Thus the Human, having attained this centre as his, can serve as a Living/Feeling/Turning Point on Earth’s surface. That’s why the Human can release all the stages prior to the solidification. Moreover, this release goes along with the different levels of Consciousness (9’ – 1’).

The Ascend (9’ – 1’)
After the Circle or Tree has been distilled into the Centre or seed, the Eater (Microcosm) has to go much deeper WITHIN, in order to Find and Know the Creator of the Seed. Now the growing of the Seed goes into the opposite. The Tree grows INWARDS! Thus we must overcome the ILLUSION that our “greater Self” is of the outer. Now the INNER-search begins:

9'. The return is initiated with the creation of the Plant Kingdom, where the descending energies or inorganic is changed into ascending energies or organic. That's why one end of the plant goes downward (past, root system) and the opposite end goes upward (future, branch system). From The Observer’s Perspective it just the other way around…

8'. The returning energy, generated by the plant, is accelerated by the next creation, the Animal, which changes (eats) the plant into itself. Thus the memory is internalised with the digestion of food. In the small intestines, where the final digestion takes place, the essence of the food ascends via the central nervous system, to the brain. Along this extension of the digestive system we Remember in stages the process of evolution, that we have to maintain with the Sacred way of Eating (Food is much more than “nutrition”!).

In the small intestines food begins to change into blood by biological transmutation. At this second stage of the return, where the solid shifts into the liquid, the "water cycle becomes conscious through us". Thus the circulation of blood correlates with how the ocean / clouds / rain / lakes / springs / rivers. maintain their integrity. At this level Consciousness is created by Feeling (by touch). Thus, wherever the blood flows to, in the body, we can feel. Hereby we can begin to Realise the One-ness between the inner and the outer. Lack of this awareness can cause abuse of the environment. This happens today due to the consumption of the most incomplete foods and way of preparation/eating that causes an incomplete digestive process and memory.

7'. The next step of the cosmic ladder is the world of Gas. Thus the blood rises to the lungs where it mixes with oxygen. By the "wind becoming conscious through us" we can experience Emotion. With emotion we can feel the larger aspect of being! As such, being fully internally organised (the 12 internal organs in complete harmony with the 12 heavenly constellations) we can now extend the organisation within a greater context. This will result in the creation of the family structure (taking off on the 5th level), and beyond, with the increasing return into the realm of where the food we ate came from. Ultimately we want to come back to the Source or Oneness.

6'. Breath is the Step into the World of Sound. Now we can create Consciousness through Speech and with it we can Reason to overcome the limitations that the emotional being make evident:

5'. By the "Light becoming conscious through us", we can actually see what we reason about. Now we can grow in being, with the social relationships. On this level we develop personality and begin to realise the potential of the individual (= “indivisible-two”).

4'. With the Social being we can enter the most subtle level of energy still attached to the solid world. Thus with Thinking (using the brain) we set a platform (limit used as a Stepping-stone) for entering the future by “going out of our body”. By "Vibration becoming conscious through us" we can reach the ideological stage of being. It is with the ideological being that we can detach ourselves from the temporary and enter Great Mystery beyond anything that we can possibly imagine. What at the “other end” is waiting for us is the Unexpected or SURPRISE !

3'+2': Two more steps and we are HOME! Now we must overcome the Duality (3’) and the Creative Force (2’), which have up till this point brought out all the attributes for the completion of the MIRROR. Beginning and End can now find union WITHIN! Thus the entire evolutionary experience, which became possible with One becoming Two, must be concluded with Two becoming One! It is only with the Consciousness of One that this last step can be made.

By the power of Discernment (3’, mastering contrast or duality) we can make a CHOICE (2’). By making a choice we initiate the Will that represents the Creative Force. Thus, the last choice to be made must be based on the very Extreme Options (Finite/Illusion and Infinite/Reality), which we must perceive and understand within the Universal Context. Then it becomes possible that our will becomes “His Will”, making us realise that we are a Co-Creator identified by the I AM or SELF (9’).

Everything and any way having come forth from Creator’s Domain, through the Nine Gates, remain subject to the Cosmic Pattern:

Example 1 – Concerning Man’s exploration, in order to expand his consciousness in space and time through communication:

9’. Solid stage - by land (foot, horse).
8’. Liquid stage – by sea (ships).
7’. Gas stage – by air (balloon, airplane).
6’. Sound stage – by sound (telephone, radio)
5’. Light stage – by visuals (television)
4’. Vibration stage – by microwaves (computer)
3’. Polarity stage – by competition (democracy).
2’. Creative force stage – by choice (will to BE).
1’. Source – SELF-realisation.

In the negative sense, especially the last three stages…3’ and 2’ have been used to divide and conquer. This leaves 1’ for the creation of the world-dictator, trying to be God. As is, the competition to be this one is at hand.

Imagine the Cosmic Pattern applied to the disintegration of matter. The last stage would be empty space, the “Nothing or Unknown” that we must become one with by being HUMBLE, so that we like the Creator can be an unconditional SERVANT…on which everyone and everything DEPENDS on. This is the nature of the true King and Leader of Man, who can be the Judge too, because he goes by the absolute and eternal Constant, CHANGE. So, the Nine Cosmic Gates serve Creator’s One Law, Change. By this Law we will never get stuck, but rather be FREE. A world that’s primarily ruled under laws other than the One Law needs prisons and hospitals, and an army to secure these institutions. So, when laws are used as weapons…weapons become the law. Today’s world is under threat to be completely ruled under martial law, reflecting the “lawless law”. This explains the great efforts to make Corruption the Norm.

However, all of it is futile. Since Nature is Unconditionally Serving the world, under Creator’s One law, this KING/QUEEN will see to it that ORDER will be restored…His/Her Way. So, the “last kicking” of the secondary order is shown by its brutal war against Nature. Those who stand by with Nature have chosen the WINNING side.

Having mastered ourselves through the Nine Cosmic Gates, we become the “space and time machine”, enjoying the FREEDOM through the Oneheart PORTAL of which the Key is the KNOWING of who we truly ARE.

The Tawa Message

WE ARE THE MIRACLE! This message explains why. " Tawa" means "Sun" in Hopi and "Moon" in Tibetan. What unites the two different meanings of one word is One Mother Earth. This Oneness can also be found in our Heart! Our heart is pulsated by what interconnects all our body cells: blood. Why does blood do that? Blood is the biological transmutation of food. Food is the result of the concentrated accumulation of environmental energies. This realm stretches out into the Infinite.

Outside of our Solar System the energies of the Universe centre around the stars. All the stars interconnect with one another by their rays of light. Our sun is the closest star to us and by its light planet Earth receives Heaven's energies. By this union of Heaven and Earth, plants (food) grow. When we eat food, the stars without become the stars within, our body cells. Thus, similar to the way the Sun interconnects with all the other Suns, our heart seeks union with all the inner suns by the circulation of liquefied sunlight - the blood. In other words, the Eater (of food) becomes food for what originated food.

Before the stars' energies reach the Sun, they are influenced and organized by the twelve constellations or heavenly bodies. This heavenly clock regulates the rhythm of the energy flow before we can come to the realisation that our heart “ticks”. These twelve constellations manifest within us as the twelve organs or organizers. Finally, when the Earth captures the stars’ energies, they become the planet’s ecology and cycles. This also manifests within our body.

Our blood is synchronized with the ocean water, by having the same mineral composition and salinity. The blood's pulsation resonates with the ocean waves. The lungs become the inner forests and by breathing we maintain the inter-relationship. The rivers become our blood vessels, lakes become our liver, springs become our salivary glands, rain becomes our sweat, wind becomes our breath, thunder becomes our speech, lightning becomes our vision, atmospheric vibrations become our thinking ability, etc. The Moon reflects the Sun and internally manifests as feelings. Physically, the Moon is represented by the pericardium (the sack in which the heart is contained and is one of the twelve organs). By it we can become conscious of what is within and what is without. By the purity of blood, having true health, we can have the great Joy of Freedom in the circle of Light.

The degree of synchronicity or Oneness between the "stars within" and the "stars without" depends basically upon our way of eating. By eating the Universal food, the Universal way, we can return to the Heavens with a greater sense of Being. Plants extend Earth's radiation. This happens after the sun’s rays impregnate the Earth. In order for the Earth's energies to ascend beyond its environment, they need to be organised within a body that can contain the integrity of the Earth, and by having the ability to biologically transmute food into higher frequencies of energy. This ascension begins with the integration of Earth's centre (iron, Fe) by having it become our blood's nucleus, around which the complexity of the Earth is centred. Thus, wherever our blood circulates to, we can feel, indicating that we can radiate the Earth THROUGH the Human Potential beyond the Moon into far distant realms of the Infinite Universe.

In short, the more we can extract the essence or memory of food into our blood, the more we are “liked” by an “eater” of a higher order. Ultimately we become food for the Creator. Self-realisation is completely becoming food for the Creator WITHIN! For this reason we must fully digest our food, in order to REMEMBER who we truly are.


Most humans today lack the synchronicity of Oneness between Creation without and Creation within. This disharmony is the seed-cause of disease, mental instability and disturbing behaviour patterns. There can be no peace, justice, freedom or joy in the world when the masses suffer from their inner violence among the stars within = star wars!

Disease is war within. Addiction is slavery within. Unhappiness is the stagnation of spirit. Instead of a clean and harmonious flow of blood, obstruction manifests as pain, swellings (including obesity), cysts, tumours, stones, suspicion, insecurity, fear, jealousy, hatred, anger, etc.

Instead of resolving the world’s problems by restoring one's true health - cleaning up the inner debris - methods are employed by which one can “live” with the pollution. The “problem syndrome” is preferred because the world has conformed to systems we can be comfortable with. Consequently the system's sciences and technologies using the energy from artificial sources deprive our bodies/minds/emotions of the true food needed to keep the system healthy and stable. Weak body/mind/emotions can be more easily controlled and exploited by a centralized system or syndication. This control has been developed through the monopoly over:

Land - by commercialised agriculture (“cash-crops”).
Body - by junk food, medicine, drugs.
Mind - by education, science, media, politics and money vested interests.
Spirit - by the manipulation of atmospheric conditions, microwaves, fear, enforcement of politically designed laws.

Due to the poor quality of blood, the mind has become unable to distinguish between what is correct and incorrect. Good is not good when the body has to depend on the correct administration of the incorrect way of eating and healing. By surrendering to a false belief, one's spirit can be forged into a syndicate-controlled world. Under the control of a corrupt centralized government, the good can only be good when one can be found to be bad. Therefore, the syndicate-enforced laws make sure that the bad prevails so that the “goodness” of the state can survive. This is the idea of the cultivation of disease, giving the medicine by which one can “live” with the disease. That's why prisons are breeding-grounds of crime, because it helps the judicial system in power. Having “rights” and “freedom” based on politically designed laws one can keep the masses within self-imposed limitations. Thus we can perpetually defend the boundaries by making “war for peace”!

The Question: What is the universal significance of this non-universal course?

Our Will represents the Creative Force by which we were created and can continue to exist. When this inner force is solely used to maintain the Oneness between the inner and outer, we can, like stones and plants, continue to exist. Unless we can use our will for making a choice, we cannot fully contribute to the Human potential. In other words, in order to cultivate our spirit unto the highest levels, we must be able to consciously use our will or inner creative force to extend the present, which is an accumulation of the past. The Conscious extension of the ever-present, through Discernment, is known as Choice. By the understanding of how we are a part of Creation we can universally grow. Through “public education”, however, our universal growth has become stunted. Consequently addiction sets in, which is the final dead-end mode, instant gratification or extreme illusion.

The Human being, since it has the greatest integration of Heaven and Earth energies, is most able to evolve from the planet by choice and can direct the Force by which we were created into much higher levels of existence. Due to the great ability to reflect the inner sun, by feeling, the human being has the great ability to discern, and to create its own future and reality in order to validate its being by making a choice. The ultimate reflection upon one's ability to express will is by having the ultimate contrast to the Order of Creation.

By the discovery that we can direct our own sensation course (sensation is the result of contrast), we can deviate from the Absolute Constant (Creator's Law) and can create our own laws by which we can experiment (temporal world). New and unique things and ways can come into being, which can teach us about ourselves, our limitations and also the endless world of change - Freedom. This is the basis for experimentation.

When the experiment has come to its end, we can then see the limitations of the world we have created under the temporal laws. Then the condition is established by which the ultimate choice can be made. Then our power of will can undergo the final test. The extreme options then are: “to BE” and “not to BE”.

“not to BE”:
Continue with the experiment and self-destruct.

“to BE”:
Return to the non-experimental world, Creation, and enjoy Freedom.

Presently, the danger exists that the world can be destroyed through the experimental mode of the “new world order”. An increasing number of people are becoming aware of the need to discontinue and separate themselves from the syndicate-controlled world by becoming Sovereign Under Creator’s Law. The first step is to consciously restore your Oneness with Creation. This is basically done through the Sacred Way of Eating , food is much more than nutrition!

In Other Words

The Human race on planet Earth has to grow out of its immaturity of spirit. The darkness of the world was needed to find the inner light. The pains of body, mind and spirit indicate the seeking for the Sun that must radiate from within. As the contrast of Earth's darkness and Heaven's light comes to the extreme, the final choice can be made. We either choose to remain blind to the inner light and continue to suffer, or choose to ignite the inner light to brighten the world into PEACE - to BE HOPI (peaceful individual = peaceful indivisible -two).

The first choice requires one to follow the course of addiction to the very end. The second choice requires one to purify the body with Creator's medicine, food and prayer. Only then can we heal our heart and trust our mind and truly comprehend the Tawa message. This call is that of joy.


Separation equals limitation. Oneness equals Freedom. We all breathe from the same Heaven, drink and eat from the same Earth. Then what is it that makes us divide and war? Both Heaven and Earth have One Origin. This Source maintains Heaven and Earth by the One Law. It is by the individual's relationship to this absolute constant that Humanity's unity is maintained.

By not living the Law of laws, the people will create their own laws and ways. By doing so, boundaries are set up, indicating the limits of the secondary laws. Consequently the people who claim their rights under the secondary law will quarrel about what they have in common: their limitations! This is the irony of today's quest for “freedom” = make war for “peace”. This blindness is due to the darkness that is carried by one's blood.

Indeed, separation equals limitation and will lead to the organization of murder. It has led to the creation of nations in which the ways and things that were originally free can be price-tagged and monopolized. Today a nation's main interest is to economically survive because their laws forbid people to be SOVEREIGN UNDER CREATOR'S LAW.

Legality makes sure that one has the right to make a “living” at the expense of life. Exclusive laws justify the killing of those who trespass our own boundaries. The most profitable commodity - weaponry, supports the costly armies required to do the defending. By this madness one is told why, how, who, where and when to kill. This insanity has come to its climax, by uniting nations under the same laws that have been creating such disunity. Murder is supported under the supervision of a centralized economy. Those who do not agree will be economically boycotted and killed. All of this craziness began with one's separation from Creation's Order by the destruction of one's Oneness with Creation.

The world is beginning to get used to having extreme weather conditions and traumatic shifts in nature (high winds, floods, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes). Reacting to that by shifting economic interests or re-budgeting and by the design of protective means truly shows the arrogance and suicidal state of the modern world.

In parallel, the body reacts by internal imbalance: by fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, convulsions, etc., and ultimately by degenerative diseases. Nature maintains itself through the change of cycles. This in turn affects those whose internal imbalance created the environmental instability. This is justice.

It has to be understood that due to the Oneness between our inner and outer being, the ecology of the world is affected by everything we do with our being, whether it is physically, mentally, or spiritually. All is interconnected. To think that we can be excluded from Universal Justice by ignoring the Oneness, indicates the great disease of spirit: arrogance. This pestilence can be cured in two ways:

By nature's upheaval which will increase with our persistence in following the experimental way of life over the order of Creation. Consequently lives will be terminated traumatically by disease (inner war) or war (outer disease).


By becoming humble and fully submitting to the highest law of the Infinite Universe. By purifying our blood. By restoring our Oneness with Creation. By becoming SOVEREIGN UNDER CREATOR'S LAW. This requires Strong Courage, to test our Will by making the Choice in the Light of Truth.

By making this choice we can be a true member of Creation. The false democracy requires us to choose between syndicate-controlled options and by having individuals join a majority of weaklings (“dropouts”) within the Universal context. This is the disguised minority. The freedom that this “majority" seeks has to be defended by “war for peace”, by their tax money and lack of spirit.

The connection between the inner and the outer freedom should be clear. Now we can choose between the costly and enslaving “universal coverage" (live with disease) keeping us separate from Creation, or to be Human again by freely enjoying true Freedom. Vote for the consensus of Oneness!

As the sounds of self-destruction become louder, the need to listen to the Tawa Message becomes louder too. The solution has to come from within, from the point of Silence and Stillness. The choice is ours and can be independently made.

Essence of the Tawa Message

The resonance of Truth comes from One-Heartedness.

One-Heartedness is gained by the purity of one's blood, with each pulsation of our inner sun, our Heart. By the synchronism of our heart's pulsation with the Sun we all share, we set the basis for world harmony and peace.

The purity of our blood comes about by the sacred way of eating - the daily practice of maintaining the Oneness between Creation without and Creation within.

The peaceful purification of the world begins with the deep desire to serve Creation and with the purification of our blood, leading to synchronizing our heartbeat with the centre of our solar system, the Sun. This star is in synchronism with all the other stars - giving the Portal to the forces of the Universe and beyond, into the Sun of all suns. The Tawa Message is the call of Freedom, to be One within the Circle of Light: the Realm within the Endless Growing Horizon.

Planet Earth, our food and our body - all are means to reach the end. The open question: within which context do we identify ourselves? As a property or subject of a syndicate-controlled world, or as a Member of the Infinite Universe? The last option requires us to re-Member the Oneness as our Origin.

The beginning and the end are one. Dynamically speaking, the beginning, the means and the end is NOW, the present. The Oneness that we can express through our uniqueness of Being. Now each one of us can make The Choice.

When we allow ourselves to be controlled and exploited through the means of the syndication, we can end up in the trap of the beliefs of self-denial and self-oppression, putting specialists and leaders in power over us, who decide by which standards and rules we should live and die.

The Sacred Way of Eating can be most powerfully used for one's release from exploitative society's trap - its dogmas, rituals, protocol, its addictive and abusive ways. It can give us clarity and insight (seeing what is within us), enabling us to Listen to our own Heart and Trust our own Mind.

The Syndication offers the Dead End, the Prison. The Infinite provides Freedom through the Purity of Being, giving us the best chance to stay on course - the Sharp Edge.

The Return

The only limitation that can possibly be experienced on Earthly plane exists in the eye and heart of each Human. Earth swirls freely within the sky. It is only by the selfish fixation with earthly vested interests, that limitations are created.

We have travelled the Long Path in space and time. The Great Plan was designed for us to find out what it takes to Overcome Limitation, to be Freely Free. The Quest required the deviation from the Eternal One Law. Consequently we forced ourselves to create our own laws that we have to enforce ourselves in order to maintain a temporary order. In this way we created boundaries - our prison. Now we can discover and know the fullest extent of our being on the Earthly plane. The need for the prison and related sufferings have ended. We created our prison - now we can un-create it!

Having experienced this plane of limitation, we can now become Great Healers of Creation by learning to change an extreme poison into a most powerful medicine. It requires the Purification of body, mind and soul for us to Return to the Order of Creation with a higher CONSCIOUSNESS.

The Great Union is needed to bring the essences of the four directions to the Centre of centres, the ONEHEART.


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